Terra di Marca Bed & Breakfast is a sleeping accommodation recently renovated in accordance with the typical architectural features of Italian medieval houses. It is located within the old walled village of Montefortino, on the slopes of the Sibillini Mountains in the central Apennines.
The house is located a stone’s throw from the main square of the village, the perfect spot to admire the view of the so-called Monti Azzurri, including the Monte Vettore, Monte Sibilla, the Pizzo della Regina and the Monte Amandola.

Our B&B takes its name from the ancient term of Marca (march or mark, in English), a large feudal political-military district established in the Carolingian age as a border county, a territory on the edge of Charlemagne’s empire in the 8th century AD.
At the end of the 11th century the Marca di Fermo, to which Montefortino belonged, together with the Marca di Camerino, became part of the Marca Anconitana, thus originating a new geographical and political entity comparable to today’s administrative Region, whose name Marche is nothing more than the plural of Marca..